I write stories about strong, capable women of a certain age supporting each other through triumphs and challenges as they navigate midlife rites of passage. 

I created a fictional small Florida town called Serenity Palms which serves as the central hub for all of my novels and Claire Harper, the proprietor of 2nd Chance Karma Yoga Studio is the connecting link between everyone. 

My characters are focused on creating their best lives and aging, loss, burnout, empty nests, career changes, and the like will not keep them from living and loving life. They are also obsessed with France just like me! 

Happy reading my dear friend! 


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“I’m in my late 40’s. Like many of my friends, I fell upon a second career. The characters in this book are so relatable. I feel like I’m reading about my life and what my friends and I dream and talk about! The sadness of divorce, the burnout from your first career, and the excitement and a second chance to find happiness in love and work. I started the book thinking of just reading a few chapters the first day, but I found I couldn’t put it down!!" 

“I was delighted by this book! The characters were so relatable, and now I want to move to Serenity Palms! The writing was engaging, and I kept turning the pages, excited to see what might happen next between these two meant-to-be lovers. Can’t wait for the next book in the series!"

“I really enjoyed this book and am looking forward to the next one! What a fun surprise to have delicious sounding recipes at the end. I can’t wait to try them!"

“A lighthearted and fun beach read that leaves you with a happily-ever-after feeling."

“Fun & entertaining read! I need to know what happens next…"


5-Star Amazon Reviews for 2nd Chance Karma Yoga Studio!

I'm Sandra.

Welcome and thank you for visiting!

I write uplifting novels about love, friendship, and reinventing yourself after 40. My feel-good stories take on the challenges and triumphs of midlife with heart and humor. 

My cast of seasoned characters live in Serenity Palms—a fictional Central Florida suburb with a small-town feel. The local yoga studio, 2nd Chance Karma, is the central hub of this wellness-focused town.

Pack your bags and come meet some new friends in Serenity Palms!

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Don't miss out on the latest news from Serenity Palms! Escape into uplifting fiction with a cast of seasoned characters over 40 reinventing themselves when life doesn't go as planned.

Serenity Palms Life is my monthly newsletter where I share all the latest happenings in this vibrant Florida resort town as well as any travel adventures my characters (or me!) may go on. I aim to provide a heavy dose of inspiration for your own journey of starting over in midlife.

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Career Pivot: Starting Over in Midlife

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 Hot Off The Press!

Escape to Serenity Palms and indulge in sweet second chance romances about starting over after forty.  Book 1 in the Serenity Palms Series is available now! Books 2 & 3 coming in early 2023!

Tag along to Paris as several Serenity Palms characters find new adventures and new love in the most romantic city in the world. Books 1, 2, & 3 of the St. Germaine series coming in 2022!


women's fiction

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Behind the scenes of my book writing processes
Solutions to creating a positive mindset
Tips on effective wellness routines
Practical advice on starting over
Travel guides to the places that inspire my stories


Writing, Reinvention, & Wellness

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All tailored to the experiences of women over 40!

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Don't miss out on the latest news from Serenity Palms! Escape into uplifting fiction with a cast of seasoned characters over 40 reinventing themselves when life doesn't go as planned.

Serenity Palms Life is my monthly newsletter where I share all the latest happenings in my fictional Florida  town along with behind the scenes of my writing and travel life.

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