This book has been so much fun to write! It’s the story of a fifty-something widow finding a new identity and following up on a promise she made thirty years ago to herself and to a charming French exchange student. I’ll let the back cover description explain more… Meet Me at Cafe St. Germain An […]

Cover Reveal for Meet Me at Cafe St. Germain!

BTS of My Books

2nd Chance Karma Yoga Studio

That’s right…you can read Chapter 1 of my debut novel, 2nd Chance Karma Yoga Studio, for FREE. If you enjoy, go ahead and purchase the ebook from any of your favorite digital stores or you can get the paperback shipped to you from Amazon. I have one request of you dear reader…will you pretty please […]

Read Chapter 1 – 2nd Chance Karma Yoga Studio

BTS of My Books

I am well into writing Meet Me at Café St. Germain and loving the storyline! This story of a woman searching for herself in Paris is really speaking to me. The words are flowing out of my brain and through my fingertips. This week on the blog, I thought I’d share what inspired me to […]

Meet Me at Café St. Germain – Behind the Scenes of Writing My Latest Novel

BTS of My Books

2nd Chance Karma Yoga Studio

I did it! I wrote my very first novel!! 2nd Chance Karma Yoga Studio is now available in eBook and paperback from a variety of retailers (more on that in a bit). My friends—oh my goodness—so much went into creating and birthing this project, and you know what? I loved every minute of it. This […]

Sneak Peek into 2nd Chance Karma Yoga Studio

BTS of My Books

2nd Chance Karma Yoga Studio

The cover for 2nd Chance Karma Yoga Studio is done! I am so thrilled with the outcome. This is my first book and the first time I have asked another person to take a few notes from me and create a visual image. Are you ready to see the cover? Here it is! Romance or […]

2nd Chance Karma Yoga Studio Cover Reveal

BTS of My Books

Summer is a time for relaxing and I cannot think of a better way to unwind than digging my toes in the sand and devouring this summer’s best beach reads.

10 Beach Reads to Devour this Summer

What I'm Reading

Reinventing yourself

Reinventing yourself and creating a new life is no small feat. At the core of your success is your mindset. It is the first stop in your remodel, and like most renovation projects, it never ends. There are a million different messages out there about how to change your life, but until you change your […]

Reinventing Yourself: 50 Books for Creating a New Life

What I'm Reading

mindset shifts; growth mindset

You get to decide each day who you will be and what you will do. Will today be a success or a failure? It’s your decision.

10 Mindset Shifts to Become the Best You

Midlife Wellness

career pivot; starting over; midlife

Have you ever found yourself deep into a career that is no longer satisfying? I was in this situation and found a way out.

Career Pivot: Starting Over in Midlife

Midlife Wellness

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Serenity Palms Life is my monthly newsletter where I share all the latest happenings in my fictional Florida  town along with behind the scenes of my writing and travel life.

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