Uplifting Stories About Starting Over in Midlife 

Serenity Palms Series

St. Germain Series

BOOK 1 Available NOW

BOOKs 2 & 3 Coming 2023

BOOKs 2 & 3 Coming 2023

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“I’m in my late 40’s. Like many of my friends, I fell upon a second career. The characters in this book are so relatable. I feel like I’m reading about my life and what my friends and I dream and talk about! The sadness of divorce, the burnout from your first career, and the excitement and a second chance to find happiness in love and work. I started the book thinking of just reading a few chapters the first day, but I found I couldn’t put it down!!" 

“I was delighted by this book! The characters were so relatable, and now I want to move to Serenity Palms! The writing was engaging, and I kept turning the pages, excited to see what might happen next between these two meant-to-be lovers. Can’t wait for the next book in the series!"

“I really enjoyed this book and am looking forward to the next one! What a fun surprise to have delicious sounding recipes at the end. I can’t wait to try them!"

“A lighthearted and fun beach read that leaves you with a happily-ever-after feeling."

“Fun & entertaining read! I need to know what happens next…"


5-Star Amazon Reviews for 2nd Chance Karma Yoga Studio!

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