It's Never Too Late For A Second Chance

Chase your wildest dreams!

Life isn't perfect but we all have the power to live our best lives if we only listen to our gut instinct or the voice in our head telling us to go for it. 

My novels all feature over forty heroines who are going for their biggest, wildest, and craziest dreams. While there may be bumps in the road, the journey is all part of the adventure. 

I hope to create characters that inspire you to listen to your own internal rumblings and take the necessary action to discover a life you love!

I write stand-alone novels tied together through time and place. I drop nuggets into each novel tying the characters together. Serenity Palms, a fictional small town in Central Florida, is the center of my universe and Claire Harper's yoga studio is the community hub.

Welcome! I'm Sandra Smith, the author of 2nd Chance Karma Yoga Studio, a women's fiction novel focused on reinventing yourself later in life and finding a second chance at love.

They say you write what you know! My 40's have been all about getting a second chance at marriage, reinventing my career as a writer, and finding wellness routines to live a happy and healthy life.

Writing + Reinvention + Wellness

Cheers to living your best life!

I'm a lifelong bookworm, lover of words, and recovering academic. I spent over two decades as a university dean overseeing higher education accreditation matters. When I was restructured out of that role, I quickly decided I needed to write for a living and get my chronic stress under control. Hence, the reason why I created a business focused on writing, reinvention, and wellness. 

Nowadays, I'm living my best life as a women's fiction author, freelance travel and food writer, and owner of an independent press all focused on helping women over 40 reinvent themselves and live their best lives too.

When not writing, you can find me exploring new destinations where I'm probably running a half marathon or hiking in the woods. I also love whipping up healthy creations in the kitchen and tasting new foods. You'll find all of these interests and more in my writings.

Thanks for being a part of my journey!


Chasing your dreams. Getting lost in a great book. Wanderlust. Second chances. Great wine. 

I desire:

To live my wildest dreams. To continually learn & evolve. To explore all seven continents. 


Writing at my sun-filled desk. Dreaming about my next trip. Curled up with a book. Out on the trails. 

daily rituals

Reading non-fiction + fiction. Yoga. Kissing my husband. Hiking or running. Crushing goals.   





On the Verge

Lemon Ginger Elixir

Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris

Plane Tickets to France



Books & Travel Podcast

My Favorite Things

Paris and the French lifestyle.

Starfish...did you know they are a symbol of reinvention, renewal, & regeneration?

Wanderlust...I want to go everywhere & do everything! I keep a toiletry bag of travel-sized products ready to go at all times.  

Tell me more!

Don't miss out on the latest news from Serenity Palms! Escape into uplifting fiction with a cast of seasoned characters over 40 reinventing themselves when life doesn't go as planned.

Serenity Palms Life is my monthly newsletter where I share all the latest happenings in my fictional Florida  town along with behind the scenes of my writing and travel life.

Did we just become best friends?